There used to be a good Chinese food restaurant near my work, and my co-workers and I would go there for lunch on Fridays. The restaurant is still there, but the ownership has changed and the quality has gone way down since. So, instead we’ll often go to the Spring Roll Restaurant. Excellent food and good prices (I recommend the Special # 1, which unfortunately doesn’t show up on their online menu), but that’s not the point of this posting!
The old place used to give fortune cookies after the meal, and I collected a number of them. I was cleaning up my office last week, and decided to throw out the fortunes, but I wanted to record them. Here they are, in no specific order:
Focus in on the color yellow tomorrow for good luck!
You will run into an old friend soon.
Tomorrow your friend or partner will tell you some exciting news.
The next full moon brings an enchanting evening.
Happiness surrounds your events this week.
Others admire your assertiveness.
You have a great appreciation for beautiful things.
Get ready to do something daring.
Enough is as good as a feast.
You will obtain your goal if you maintain your course.
You will receive a big compliment in front of others.
A job well begun is half done.
It’s the journey and not the destination that counts.
You constantly struggle for self improvement — and it shows.
A simple kindness today will bring you great reward.
Here’s a fun (and a little spicy) game — add “in bed” to the end of any fortune you get. It puts them in a whole different light!
Google Fonts makes it quick and easy for everyone to use web fonts, including professional designers and developers. We believe that everyone should be able to bring quality typography to their web pages and applications.
Our goal is to create a directory of web fonts for the world to use. Our API service makes it easy to add Google Fonts to a website in seconds. The service runs on Google’s servers which are fast, reliable and tested. Google provides this service free of charge.
I was trying to make a graphic that used Ultra, one of the fonts, and I wanted to use Inkspace to make it. But, Google Fonts are web fonts, and I wanted to have Ultra as a font installed on my computer so I could use it. It turns out that it’s not that hard to do. I’ll show the steps for installing Open Sans.
First, go to the Google Fonts homepage. In the upper left corner is a search box:
The Google Fonts search box
Type in the name of the font you’re looking for, in this case, Open Sans. The Google Fonts website will filter down all of the fonts it knows about, and only show the ones matching what you’ve typed in. For me, it showed me two fonts: Open Sans and Open Sans condensed.
With each of the fonts displayed, there’s a blue “Add to Collection” button. Click that button, and that font will be added to a collection of fonts, displayed at the bottom of the page.
Next, we’re going to want to download a Zip file that contains a TTF file (short for True Type font, one of the types of fonts that Windows understands) of the font we’ve selected. If we add more than one font to our collection, all the fonts will be in the Zip file. Anyways, there’s a download button on the page, but it’s not real obvious. It’s in the upper right corner of the page, and looks like a down arrow:
Click that, and you’ll get a dialog box telling you that you don’t need to download the font. If you’re just using it for the web, that’s right, but we want to install the font into Windows 10.
We want to choose the first option, “Download the font families in your Collection as a .zip file”. Click on the .zip file link, and your browser will download a zip file to your computer — in my case, it was called Go to wherever that file was downloaded (likely your Downloads folder), right-click on the file, and select “Extract All…”. You’ll be asked where to extract the files to, and it will default to the current directory. Click the Extract button, and a new folder will be created containing a LICENSE.txt file and one or more TTF files.
The next thing to do is to install the TTF file (or files) into Windows 10. Open up the Control Panel (type Control Panel into the Windows search box if you’re not sure how to open it), and you’ll get this window:
Click on the Appearance and Personalization heading to get:
Under Fonts, click on “Preview, delete, or show and hide fonts”. You’ll be taken to a window showing all the fonts installed on your system:
Finally, from that folder of downloaded fonts, drag the fonts you want to install into this new window, and the fonts should now be installed!
For fun, I’m writing a little slot machine game in Java. I wanted to create some symbols to go on the reels, and one of those symbols is the number 7. And, I wanted it to look like the fancy 7 you see on slot machines, like this:
Unfortunately, I don’t have that font on my computer. After further googling, I discovered the Ultra font on Google Fonts. The Google Fonts page describes it as follows:
Ultra is an ultra bold slab typeface with nods to wood type styles like Clarendon and Egyptian. Strong and dramatic letterforms for titling, a serious, yet friendly, and easily legible typestyle. Perfect for power headlines and titling for impact.
Here’s what the 7 looks like in Ultra:
The letter 7 in Ultra font
To make my slot machine 7, I installed Ultra on Windows, fired up Inkscape, added a Text object with the Ultra font at 72 points, set a fill colour of Red, added a black stroke 1 point thick, and here’s the final result:
It’s been a long time since I’ve added anything to my blog — almost three years, now that I look back at my last post. I’ve been meaning to add more entries to my blog, but I just haven’t gotten around to it. I think the main problem is because I really don’t know what the focus of my blog is, or what I want to blog about. So, to help me get over this hurdle, I decided to sign up for WordPress’ Blogging 101 course.
The first assignment in this course is to “Introduce Yourself to the World”. The intention is to blog about who we are and why we’re here. Maybe if I do this, it will help me to gain a little clarity on why I’m keeping a blog.
Well, here goes…
My name is Shane McDonald. I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. I work as an instructor at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, in the Computer Systems Technology program. I mostly teach computer programming courses, with a smattering of Word / Excel / PowerPoint / etc. introductory classes thrown in the mix. Tomorrow is the first day of a new semester; I’ll be teaching a class in Java, and a class in C.
Why am I blogging? Well, thinking back to when I started this blog, I had a number of reasons:
I wanted to get some experience with WordPress.
I wanted to practice writing, in order to help to express my thoughts more clearly.
I wanted a place to record solutions to computer problems that I’ve run across, and I thought other people might also run across. I know a quick Google search often helps me to find the solution to problems, but if nobody had bothered to record their solution, it wouldn’t help me out very much.
Thinking about it now, I think that third reason is probably the reason that seems most important to me. I know I get a good feeling when I see people accessing my posts, and I hope that others are able to solve the same problems I had, but without a lot of searching! My top post seems to be this one about how to use numbers in formulas in Microsoft Word mail merges; my least popular posts seem to be my series of tips on using the Vi text editor, which was an outgrowth of a set of tips that I had created on a corporate Wiki at a previous employer.
My problem seems to be that I either don’t run across too many problems (yeah, I wish), or that I don’t bother to take the time to record my solutions for posterity (more likely!).
Anyways, by taking this blogging course, I’m hoping to gain a little more focus on my blog, and to get some motivation to write posts. Who knows, I might even completely change the focus of my blog! If nothing else, at least I’ve created this one post, and people will see that I still exist! I’m excited to work through this course and see how things come along!!!
This is part of a series of tips on using Vi. To see the complete series, click here.
If you want to move around in a document quickly with vi, there are 3 useful commands (or 6, depending on how you look at it) for moving word-by-word.
Pressing the w key will move you forward word-by-word. For example, if you’ve got the line:
This is a test of moving word-by-word.
and your cursor is positioned on any character in “This”, you can press w and the cursor will be moved to the start of the next word, “is”. Pressing w again will move the cursor again, this time to “a”.
If you want to move backwards word-by-word, you can use the b key. For example, if the cursor is positioned at the start of “moving”, pressing b will move the cursor to the start of “of”. Pressing b again will move the cursor to “test”, and so on.
If you want to move forward to the end of a word, you can press the e key. With the cursor placed on the start of “This”, pressing e will move the cursor to the “s” at the end of “This”. If the cursor is already positioned at the end of a word, pressing e will move you to the end of the next word. For example, with the cursor positioned on the “s” in “This”, pressing e will move the cursor to the end of “is”.
But I mentioned that there are really 6 commands. Try the following line of text:
Let’s eat, Grandma.
(A classic example of the importance of punctuation!) If the cursor is positioned on the “L” in “Let’s”, pressing w will move the cursor to the apostrophe. Pressing it again will move the cursor to the “s”, and pressing it three more times will move you to the “e” in “eat”, the comma, and the “G” in “Grandma”. So, as you can see, the w command considers punctuation to be separate words.
If you press Shift-W instead, vi ignores punctuation. With the cursor on the “L” of “Let’s”, pressing Shift-W moves the cursor to the “e” in “eat”, and pressing it again will move the cursor to the “G” in “Grandma”.
Similarly, Shift-B moves the cursor backwards a word, ignoring punctuation. With the cursor on the “a” at the end of “Grandma”, pressing Shift-B once will move the cursor to the beginning of “Grandma”. If you were to press b now, the cursor would be positioned on the comma, but if you press Shift-B, the cursor is positioned on the “e” at the start of “eat”.
Finally, Shift-E works similarly with punctuation. With the cursor on the “L” in “Let’s”, pressing e moves the cursor to the “t” in “Let’s”, but pressing Shift-E moves the cursor to the “s”.
w moves the cursor forward a word at a time, and stops at punctuation
Shift-W moves the cursor forward a word at a time, ignoring punctuation
b moves the cursor backward a word at a time, and stops at punctuation
Shift-B moves the cursor backward a word at a time, ignoring punctuation
e moves the cursor to the end of the word, or to the next word if it’s already at the end of the word, and stops at punctuation
Shift-E moves the cursor to the end of the word, or to the next word if it’s already at the end of the word, ignoring punctuation.
This is part of a series of tips on using Vi. To see the complete series, click here.
If you want to search for something in a file, you can use the forward slash character: /. Type forward-slash, the text that you want to search for, then press the Return key. Vi will take you to the next place in the document where that text appears, and will place the cursor on the first character. So, if I wanted to search for my name, Shane, I would type:
and press Return. If the text doesn’t appear in the file, I’ll get a message on the status line telling me that (the exact contents of the message depend on which version of vi you are running).
If you want to search for the same text again, you can just type the forward slash followed by Return — vi will remember what the last text you searched for, and will search for it again. But, if you type anything after the slash, it will search for that instead.
Another thing you can do to search for the same text is to press the n key — it will take you to the next occurrence of that text!
/ searches forward; if you want to search backwards, use the question mark instead. If I want to search for the previous occurrence of my name, I type
And if I want to search for the same text again, it works just like the forward slash — type ? followed by Return, and it remembers what I searched for last, and searches backwards for that again.
OK, here’s some magic — if I press n, it searches in the same direction as my last search! If I had been searching forward, then press n to search for the same text, it searches forward. But, if I had been searching backward with ?, pressing n will now search backward for the same text!
The search string can also include some simple regular expressions. If I want to search for my name at the start of a line of text, I use ^:
Or, if I want to search for it at the end of a line of text, I use $:
Finally, if I want to go back to the line I was on just before my previous search, I can press the backquote twice: “. This will take me to my previous position.
This is part of a series of tips on using Vi. To see the complete series, click here.
When someone wants to move up or down in a file that they are editing, I often notice that they either use the arrow keys to move one line at a time, or the Page Up and Page Down keys to move a screen at a time. Although this works fine, it has the disadvantage that you have to move your hands off the home keys, which messes up your touch typing. Fortunately, vi offers commands for doing the same thing:
Ctrl-F works like Page Down: it moves you down a page in the document, leaving the last two lines on the previous page as the top two lines of the next page to help retain context. You can remember Ctrl-F as “move Forward”.
Ctrl-B works like Page Up: it moves you up a page in the document, leaving the top two lines on the previous page as the bottom two lines of the next page to help retain context. The mnemonic for this command is “move Backward”.
But maybe you don’t want to move a full page at a time — maybe the common 2 lines isn’t enough context. You can also scroll up and down half a page at a time:
Ctrl-D moves you down half a page. The previous bottom line is now displayed in the middle of your screen. You can remember this with “move Down”.
Ctrl-U moves you up half a page. The previous top line is now displayed in the middle of your screen. Remember this one with “move Up”.
Finally, maybe you just want to move the display one line up or down:
Ctrl-E moves the display up one line, but, unlike the previous commands, it doesn’t move your cursor — your cursor stays on the same line it was on before executing Ctrl-E. Another way of thinking of this command is that it exposes a new line at the bottom of the screen, hence the mnemonic “Expose a line”.
Ctrl-Y is the opposite of Ctrl-E: it moves the display down one line (exposes a new line at the top of the screen), and leaves your cursor in the current position. Sadly, I’ve got no easy memory trick for remembering this one — if you’ve got one, add it in the comments below!
This is part of a series of tips on using Vi. To see the complete series, click here.
I notice a lot of my students using the arrow keys to move around when they’re editing a file in vi. That works fine, but the big problem with it is that you have to move your hands off of the home keys to do it. vi has a much better way of doing it: use the h, j, k, and l keys to move around one character at a time! It’s so much quicker, because your hands stay on the home keys of the keyboard.
The keys and how they move the cursor are:
h: moves one character to the left (like the left arrow key)
j: moves down one line, staying in the same column (like the down arrow key)
k: moves up one line, staying in the same column (like the up arrow key)
l: moves one character to the right (like the right arrow key)
They seem awkward at first, but you get used to them pretty quickly. Actually, they’ve become so ingrained to me, I don’t even think about them — in fact, I had to open up vi and try them out to remember which key moved in which direction!
To help you get used to the keys, it helps to practice by playing the old-school game rogue, as it uses the same directional keys!
This is part of a series of tips on using Vi. To see the complete series, click here.
A lot of the time when I’m working on a program, I want to quickly move my cursor to the matching brace. For example, if I’m editing a nested if statement in C or Java, sometimes I’ll want to find the matching brace so that I know I’ve got my scope correct. It’s very easy to do in vi — just place your cursor on the brace you want to match, then press the “%” key, and voila, you’re taken to the matching brace!
This works for parentheses and square brackets, too — it’s great for when you’re writing a long mathematical expression and you want to quickly check to make sure you’ve got your parentheses right!
This is part of a series of tips on using Vi. To see the complete series, click here.
Sometimes when I’m editing a file, I like to have the line I’m looking at centred on the screen. This helps me to see an equal amount of context both above and below that line. I seem to never remember the shortcut that centres the screen on the current line, so I end up using the j or k key to move around in the document until I’ve got the line I want in the middle of the screen, and then I move back to that line. That’s a waste of effort, but vi has a nice easy way of doing it: press z then the period (z.), and it does it for you!
Let’s see what this looks like. In this screenshot, I’m editing a file, and I’ve got my cursor on the comment line that starts “This function calculates…”:
But that’s too low on the screen for my liking; I want that line centred. Press z period (z.), and my screen now looks like:
The line with my cursor is now in the centre of the screen! OK, it’s not that exciting, but the shortcut saves a bit of time when you want to do this.
There’s a couple variations on this that come in handy, too. I can move the current line to the top of the screen by pressing z then the return key (z RETURN), or I can move it to the bottom of the screen by pressing z then the minus sign (z-).