Here’s a copy of the 2025 MLB schedule in Excel .xlsx format, and here’s another copy in CSV format. If you want a copy of the results as well, you can find an Excel sheet containing the schedule AND results as described in this post. If you’re looking for a 2024 schedule, you can find it in this post, and a 2024 schedule with results is in this post.
The Excel file consists of 2 worksheets: one called “Original Schedule” contains the original MLB schedule before any schedule changes due to rainouts, etc.; the other, named About, describes the contents of the Excel file. Here’s a quick summary of the columns:
- Date: the date of the game, in the format YYYY-MM-DD
- Start Time (Sask): the game’s start time in Saskatchewan (where I live!)
- Start Time (EDT): the start time of the game in the Eastern Daylight Time Zone
- Away: the name of the away team
- Home: the name of the home team
For example, here’s the first couple lines of the worksheet:
In this example, the game is scheduled to be played on March 20, 2024 at 4:05 AM in Saskatchewan and 6:05 PM Eastern Daylight time, the away team is the Los Angeles Dodgers, and the home team is the San Diego Padres.
The CSV file contains only the “Original Schedule” worksheet. It has the same fields as described for the Excel file. You can easily import this file into Excel or whatever spreadsheet of your choice!
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